Thursday, July 26, 2007

Does God hate homosexuals?

I can't speak for God.

And those who say they do have differing opinions.

I can only speak for myself. And the answer is a resounding, "No!"


I do hate the lies perpetuated by militant gay activists who insist the homosexual lifestyle is a healthy alternative; nothing more than "sexual preference."

I hate ignoring volumes of credible research conducted by leading scholars at accredited universities relating to the health risks associated with the homosexual lifestyle.

I hate the "mean-girling" effort by many homosexuals to destroy the reputations of those of us who care enough to tell the truth regarding health risks related to the gay lifestyle.

I hate the efforts of militant gay activists to derail the First Amendment right to free speech through legislation disguised as "anti-hate speech."

I hate to read the statistics of homosexuals who have succumbed to gay-related health problems; many of whom die prematurely.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Look — and think — before you leap

If you want to jump out of an airplane, who am I to stop you?

After all, it's your life. You're an adult. And if you think you can fly; that parachutes aren't necessary, that's your prerogative.

Just don't hate me for telling you otherwise.

The fall may be exhilarating. But don't be so foolish as to deny the consequences of your leap.

Morton Downey, Jr. was a member of the National Smokers Alliance until he was diagnosed with lung cancer. He died prematurely of his illness in 2001.

I vaguely remember a newsreel in which executives from tobacco companies were called before Congress. One by one, with yellowed fingers and plumes of smoke whirling about their heads, they denied under oath that smoking caused cancer.

That was the position assumed by Morton Downey, Jr. The popular conservative talk show host openly jeered at such politically correct nonsense. It was mindless alarmism, according to Downey. He raged at the folly of those who disagreed.

Then he contracted lung cancer. And he changed his tune.

Downey invested the last years of his life smoke-free and wiser. He lost a lung to cancer in 1996 and in March, 2001, he paid the ultimate price for living in denial.

Abuse alcohol and risk damaging your liver. Cemeteries are full of those who thought they were exempt. The truth always wins out.

On the Health Page segment of this site you will find the beginning of a series of links to articles relating the homosexual lifestyle to serious illness. The evidence is overwhelming.

It's your life.

If you wish to jump from a plane, be my guest. I encourage you not to be so foolish, but — if you insist — at least be honest with yourself. Acknowledge the free fall has its consequences.

And don't couch yourself in the comfort of group dynamics. Remember what every parent asks every child: If your friends were to jump out of an airplane, would you jump with them?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

What will you be missing?

In the 1998 movie, My Giant, the charactor played by Gheorghe Dumitru Mureşan made an interesting observation:

You don't see tall people in rest homes.

The thought expressed by the giant, Max, is that unusally tall people have short life spans. In the case of Max it was an enlarged heart; there was nothing he could do.

A hotly disputed study revealed that gay men without HIV have an average lifespan of 43 years. Argue if you will, but the obituaries are there for your to review. Gay men die young. You don't see them in rest homes.

At the age of 54, my mind races back over the past eleven years. I wonder, What if I had died at age 43? What would I have missed?

I would have missed my daughter's wedding, the birth of her four children and the privilege of interacting and influencing their lives.

I would have died in 1996. The last major event in my life would have been the school field trip I took with my son to Chicago. It would have been his last memory of me.

I would have missed his graduation from high school and cosmotology school. I would not have been there when he learned to drive, bought his first car, nor been with him when he drove his new Chevy from the dealership.

I would not have been there when he ordered his first cell phone. I would have missed eleven of his birthdays, a few trips together to Pennsylvania, and more than a few trips to restaurants.

I would have missed his groans every time I cut my hair with a Flowbee.

I would have missed eleven years of providing for my wife and family. I would have missed ten and half years of my mother's life. I would have missed eleven July 4th wedding anniversaries.

Look around you. Consider the ages of your friends. How many homosexual men do you know who are my age? Maybe they just didn't come out of the closet. But those who did, how many are there?

At the age of 24 you have nineteen more years to live. From your perspective, that's a long time. But consider that many of those nineteen years may be spent in poor health. All the arguments in the world against Dr. Cameron and his research won't cure you.

Same gender desires are real; as real as drug addictions. I do not hate you or any in the gay community simply because you have urges different from mine.

When you were young you knew there was something different. Others noticed too. The playground was a place to avoid. You couldn't compete. You wondered about your feelings. You were not a bad person simply because the genetic lottery offered you a life different from many others. You are not a bad person now. You never will be.

What you are is in danger of serious health risks. It's not a matter of hate, discrimination or homophobia. It's a matter of fact.

Today is tomorrow's yesterday. What you become tomorrow is determined by the choices you make in the next 24 hours; the next few days. If you choose to remain active in the gay lifestyle you almost certainly will succomb to serious health problems. You are not the exception.

Counseling is an option. While other gays will advise you against it, they won't offer to pay your medical bills nor will they help with your financial needs when you are unable to work. Those who survive may attend your funeral; or they may not.

Get alone. Shut out the noise of the gay community. Think for yourself; maybe a long drive, over a Coke in a restaurant (notice I said "Coke") or sequester yourself in your bedroom. Ask yourself why gays hate me. Is it because I am a bigoted homophobe? Or is it because they don't care to be confronted by the truth.

I am not so crass as to pretend your urges are not real, that you are under the influence of the devil or that you need to be cured. I only want you to be there for your mother when your father dies; for you to make it to the rest home.

There is, on this site, a page dedicated to exit counseling. If you choose to call them — no one needs to know but you. You don't have to tell Mom or Dad, nor your friends who will most certainly discouage you.

It's your decision. The longer you wait, the greater the risk.

Whadaya know?

Today a gay man (I presume) with the moniker "BlackTsunami" left an interestingly typical post on the gay "Agenda" segment of this site.

This individual seemed genuinely disturbed that homosexuality was being falsely maligned by researchers, naming Dr. Paul Cameron in particular.

The post was typical for this reason: Homosexuals seem unreasonably defiant and defensive of their lifestyles — in spite of the massive volume of research that affirms its serious health risks.

I find it incredible that homosexual men with no medical training would challenge years of research by established medical experts that have produced hundreds of reports and articles — many from gay publications and organizations — that concur unanimously that the homosexual lifestyle bears serious health risks.

Why gays attack each other

Homosexuals routinely complain about mistreatment they receive from those who oppose their liestyle.

Seldom do we find candid articles about gays abusing gays like the one here.

"Gay-on-gay bullying is as old as tearooms and Oscar Wilde," we read.

If "mean-girling" each other is common among some gay activists, character attacks directed at me and others who worry about gay health issues shouldn't surprising.

Payback for exposé on 'dyke' gang rapes

Two news stories about hundreds of lesbian gangs attacking and raping young girls in schools and other public locations have prompted a backlash against the reporters by members of the homosexual community.

On the Memphis report, Deputy Beverly Cobb of the Shelby County Gang Unit said lesbian gang members "will sodomize [with sex toys] and will force [young schoolgirls] to do all sexual acts. They are forcing themselves on our young girls in all our schools."

The report included a long list of Memphis-area schools where such incidents were documented.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Wingnut awards include esteemed conservatives

The hate slur "wingnut" has been hurled at so many conservatives by writers at that the term is becoming a honor to bear.

According to the web sites word search engine, the word "wingnut" has been used 23 times on the site. Among those labeled with the term are:

• Indiana State Senator Patricia L. Miller
• US Congressman Mike Pence
• US Congressman David Reichert (WA)
• US Congresswoman Deborah Pryce (OH),
• US Congressman Jon Porter (NV)
• US Congressman Mark Kirk (IL)
• US Congressman Mike Ferguson (NJ)
• Rev. Greg Dixon and the Indianapolis Baptist Temple
• (ahem) Kenn Gividen

Two other terms emerge from's lexicon of hate speech that are used even more frequently than "wingnut." These are:

• homophbia 463 times
• homophobe 60 times

A more recent bit of hate-filled editorializing compared a pro-family rally at the Indiana State House to a KKK rally.